Back to list A303 Stonehenge

Representation by Rebecca Cave

Date submitted
11 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the current proposed plans for a new road and changes to the landscape at Stone henge on the basis that the entire scheme is an assault on an ancient sacred area.

The plans that I have seen are hideous. UNESCO has stated that the project should not be carried out in its present form. The idea of a huge motorway, around the monument, however landscaped to disguise it is abhorrent to me. The noise and pollution would impact the wildlife and birds such as the Curlew and Bustard.

In my view the government should be seeking to find alternative transport solutions for this country and discouraging the use and reliance on cars. A large scale road scheme such as this is completely out of step with the fact that the world is now in the grip of climate change and represents a cynically irresponsible attitude to the reality of this issue.

The scheme shows a complete lack of recognition of the above and a total lack of responsibility and care for the environment. It is ridiculous that a wealthy country such as ours has neither the imagination or innovative foresight to take on the custodianship of a world monument and develop a new, sustainable and low impact solution to use of the A303 across Salisbury plain.

In my view the scheme in its current proposed form is a huge waste of national resources at a time when there is no guarantee that the present transport situation, driven by national and international economic factors is guaranteed to grow exponentially to legitimatise such a massive scheme. Indeed embarking on such a project at this point would be a wilful vandalisation of one of the key sites in Britain and I believe would signal the beginning of the end of what Britain has to offer culturally to the world.