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Representation by Biddesden House Farm Partnership (Biddesden House Farm Partnership)

Date submitted
11 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Acting on behalf of Biddesden House Farm Partnership (BHFP) I wish to register as an Interested Party in respect of the above application for Development Consent by Highways England. BHFP own the freehold interest in the holding known as the Druids Lodge Estate.

As managing agent for BHFP I have over the past two years, taken part in the consultation process organised by Highways England (HE) which has included attendance at several consultation events and through direct discussions with the project team at HE. BHFP have also provided consent to enable preliminary survey works to be undertaken across the Estate.

Whilst discussions with the project team at HE have been productive and amiable, my clients still have a number of concerns about the scheme, which as yet, remain unanswered. These concerns are summarised as follows:-

Public Rights of Way Concern is raised that due to the extent of the improvements to the rights of way network and the creation of new ways as part of this scheme, this will lead to an intensification of illegal or improper public access to our clients’ land. HE have yet to provide sufficient detail or reassurances that public access will be restricted to only the designated ways.

Public Rights of Way cont. Objection to the position of the new restricted byway running north/south from Longbarrow roundabout to connect to BSJA11 is submitted. In its current form the new PRoW will result in the formation of a small triangular field west of the new byway which, due to its shape, will be impractical to farm commercially. We therefore request that consideration be given to diverting the new way so that it runs south of the new A303 to the newly formed junction and then in a south easterly direction to run parallel with the realigned A360.

Public Rights of Way and Private means of access. Insufficient detail has been provided as to the specification for the new ways and private means of access, particularly with regards to fencing, gates and the make-up of the road/track surfaces. Furthermore, the ongoing liability of the repair and maintenance of both the running surface and associated fences and gates has not been provided. We are advised that Wiltshire Council will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the PRoW but no assurances have been provided that they will have sufficient resources to meet this additional liability.

Groundwater Concern is raised regarding the potential for the aquifer to be contaminated and for there to be a significant impact on supply levels both during and after the construction phase. This would have far reaching consequences on both the agricultural businesses on the Estate as well as the private water supplies to numerous residential dwellings in the area. Assurances are therefore required that should supplies be affected either during or following completion of the construction works, then the nominated undertaker will provide sufficient alternative supplies in an expedient manner.

Traffic Management Concern is raised that insufficient consideration has been given to traffic management during the construction phase, particularly in relation to the potential use of the minor roads and the network of public rights of way in the area as convenient ‘rat runs’ to avoid the inevitable delays around the construction site. Assurances are therefore required that action will be taken to prevent such activity.

Layby at Scotland Lodge Insufficient detail has been provided as to how this layby will be dealt with following completion of the works so as to prevent it being used as a dumping ground by fly tippers or for other improper uses.

De-trunked A303 In the interest of road safety, we request that the speed limit on the de-trunked A303 from Winterbourne Stoke running east/west to the newly formed road junction at Longbarrow, be limited to 40mph.

In conclusion, my clients raise no objection in principal to the development, provided that their legitimate interest and those of the local community are not impeded in any way.