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Representation by Ruth Manvell

Date submitted
11 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Ruth Manvell – Winterbourne Stoke resident

As a Winterbourne Stoke resident, I recognise the traffic problem in the area. However, I strongly feel that the proposed route is the wrong decision. The decision to build the tunnel and bypass through a World Heritage Site and ecologically sensitive area is not only poor value for money but detrimental to the area. I moved here to get away from the rat race and am disappointed that this proposed development has reared it’s head again through the surrounding farmland and countryside. Having now the prospect of looking at the raised section of the highway which is at present fields and farmland is not pleasant. I am also concerned that the local businesses will go out of business due to lack of use which will leave the small village even more vulnerable.

The RSPB reserve & large population of Stone Curlew and other ground nesting birds at Normanton will be endangered and almost certainly be compromised and dispersed by the works to be carried out in the investigation & construction period. Even though the new areas at Parsonage Farm are planned it does not mean they will relocate to it, resulting in the possible loss of these birds from the area.

The proposed ‘opening up’ of the area to the public is not good news for any wildlife that inhabit and breed in that area. The disruption by dogs walkers & non motorised vehicles will almost certainly leave the area devoid of ground nesting birds ; stone curlew, great bustards, lapwing & common curlew to name a few. The DCO application made some of the bird observation, breeding & nesting information in the area confidential and therefore comments cannot be made in this respect except in a negative capacity. It seems the select few are privy to this information but others with interest in this area are not. I have tried to get information by ringing the number at the end of the application document and although I spoke to someone initially who was not qualified to comment she said she would pass the message on but nobody has replied to me either by email or phone. How you expect a measured and truthfully response when no information is forthcoming is beyond me. Even a reply to say it is not possible would have been nice but maybe because your response time is so short and your advisors presumably away for Christmas vacation. An extended response time would hopefully have been more helpful.

In addition to the wildlife disruption, the planned additional byways & promotion of existing BOATS will potentially have a negative impact on the World Heritage Site area. Unfortunately, this could also mean public trespass of sensitive areas and farmland by uninformed public. We are losing valuable habitats locally because of building sites, tarmacked car parks and the building of eye sores. I don’t want to live in a concrete jungle if the planners do.