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Representation by Jasmin Hosier

Date submitted
11 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

For generations my family have farmed the land destined for the western portal and its associated 1 km cutting for the A303. I have been brought up knowing my guardian responsibilities towards the landscape which includes some of the most important scheduled monuments within the World Heritage Site (WHS) and the RSPB Normanton Down Reserve that my family has established on the farm. This provides sanctuary to the legally protected Stone Curlew population and supports the Great Bustard Reintroduction project. As such, I cannot agree with the proposed scheme as it not only jeopardises my inheritance and future business but also puts the wildlife and cultural heritage at risk. MY ISSUES ARE:

SCHEME OVERVIEW Poor return on capital Standard of work not up to WHS status Misinterpretation of Outstanding Universal Value throughout the scheme. Scheme deadlines seeming to take priority over quality standards of surveys

AT CONSULTATION Errors in consultation data at all 3 consultations with no corrections. Consultation lacked choice between a tunnel or surface scheme. Stakeholder engagement poor with reports and requests for meetings yet to be honoured. DCO underway even though monitoring and land management decisions within the scheme are undecided. Premature use of Section 172 powers in place of stakeholder engagement.

FARMING BUSINESS Expensive acquisition of land beyond that required for the western portal approach, instead of entering into a land management agreement. Substantial impact on economics of pig enterprise with implications on farming business. Soil protection concerns relating to topsoil and subsoil for weeds and contamination during construction.

GROUNDWATER Concern that farm boreholes will be compromised for supply and quality during scheme construction and on completion. Lack of stakeholder engagement in respect of groundwater causing concerns over future of the farm business. Awaiting hydrogeology meetings and reports to facilitate understanding of impact of the scheme on the groundwater.

BYWAYS Trespass and disturbance pressures on RSPB Normanton Down Negative legacy benefits to WHS and our farm from promotion of new and existing byways around the scheme. Risk to property through theft, damage, fly tipping and illegal camping. Erosion of scheduled monuments on byways

CULTURAL HERITAGE Uncertainty over whether UNESCO will remove WHS status if this scheme goes ahead. Scheme deadlines taking priority over standard of surveys, leading to property and scheduled monument damage.

RSPB NORMANTON DOWN Wording in consultation literature implied that with the tunnel scheme, the whole of the WHS is available for exploration. Increased pressure from trespass and disturbance of wildlife including Stone curlews, Great Bustards and Eurasian Curlews. Negative Impact on the flagship status of biodiversity which protects archaeology and the understanding of our cultural heritage within the WHS.

GREEN BRIDGE 4 Questionable benefits of proposed position to provide visual interplay between monuments. Position complicates land management due to small irregular land parcels. New byway places another hither to undamaged scheduled monument in danger of erosion, adds pressure on animal welfare with potential dog attacks, increases biosecurity risks for pig enterprise and pressure of trespass into woodland and farm. Negative impact on countryside pursuits.