Back to list A303 Stonehenge


Date submitted
11 January 2019
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I own plots 12-01, 12-03, 12-04, 03-03, 03-07, 03-08 and 03-10 and have an interest in plot 03-20. With the exception of plot 03-20 all of the other plots are scheduled for compulsory acquisition.

The intended use is to deposit the tunnel arisings within this 137-acre field currently used to grow high value arable seed crops (i.e. arable crops grown for use as certified seed the following harvest) utilising the fact as shown in the land classifications that this field has a proportion of Grade 2 land within the north western section as well as Grade 3A classification which is afforded protection under planning policy.

Document Index Number APP-285 6.3 Environmental Statement Appendix 21 Tunnel Arisings Management Strategy does not offer any agricultural justification to support the compulsory acquisition of the entirety of this area for the purpose stated. Highways England have been asked to provide this information which has not been forthcoming and the conclusion is therefore that no such justification exists or has been prepared. Highways England are merely cooperating with English Nature to achieve an extension of the existing Parsonage Down SSSI by taking the easiest option available to them and not carrying out the agricultural justification assessments required to justify the need to compulsory acquiring 137 acres of very productive arable land.

The comparative assessment of potential sites for the tunnel arisings appear to have completely ignored the impact that either of the two options considered suitable would have on the businesses that own the sites. The impact on my business if the whole of my land is acquired will be that I will lose 21% of the area I own which on its own will also have social and economic affects that have not been considered. If, however, the land south of Parsonage Down was used it would have little or no affect business operated by English Nature.

The summary of impacts in the same document would also appear to be deficient in regard to the content for the land south of Parsonage Down as opposed to the assessment given for my land which indicates that the correct assessment has not been taken.

At examination there should therefore be time spent on exploring and comparing the arguments between the two sites considered as suitable as I do not believe that the arguments put forward in the documentation are consistent in their approach.