
M25 junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange improvement

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 51 to 62 of 62 representations, newest first.

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  • Cobham Conservation & Heritage Trust (Cobham Conservation & Heritage Trust)

    1. Generally, it is of concern that there is insufficient planning gain from the proposals. 2. There is concern that Highways England are only responsible for the Strategic Road Network and not the... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    We have today (26 July 2019) e-mailed our representation to the project e-mail address: ------------------------------ Please see attached

  • Tim Hancock Associates (Tim Hancock Associates) on behalf of Euro Garages (Euro Garages)

    Ref: M25 Junction 10/A3 Interchange Improvement Scheme (TR010030) Dears Sir Euro Garages Limited and Associated Companies – EG Cobham, Portsmouth Road, Cobham, Surrey, KT11 1EL – M25 Junction 10/A3... Read more

  • Guiseppina O'Brien

    After the original 13 proposals were reduced down to the two bridge proposals in summer 2018, Pains Hill residents have not been part of the consultation process and yet during that time the new... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    Representation submitted by email to on 6 September 2019 at 15.24pm. -------------------------------------- Please see attached

  • Lesley Lloyd-Eley

    The Pains Hill roundabout will be adversely impacted by the proposal to cite the entrance to the access road for the three properties. The entrance is cited too close to the roundabout and... Read more

  • Surrey County Council (Surrey County Council)

    SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL - RELEVANT REPRESENTATION SEPTEMBER 2019 M25 JUNCTION 10/A3 WISLEY INTERCHANGE Planning Act 2008 – Section 102 PINS Reference: - TR010030 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 The proposed... Read more

  • Surrey Wildlife Trust (Surrey Wildlife Trust)

    The Surrey Wildlife Trust manages much of the protected land in the Ockham & Wisley Commons SSSI/part of the Thames Basin Heaths SPA surrounding M25 J10, on behalf of the landowners Surrey County... Read more

  • The Georgian Group (The Georgian Group)

    Dear Sir/Madam The Georgian Group has been made aware of the recent adjustments that Highways England has made to their scheme involving the A3 and Painshill Park Trust. Painshill Park is grade I... Read more

  • The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds)

    The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (the RSPB) has a long-standing involvement in the protection of lowland heathland and its key bird species (Dartford warbler, nightjar, and woodlark) in... Read more

  • Waverley Borough Council (Waverley Borough Council)

    I am writing in response to the application to the Secretary of State for a Development Consent Order in respect of the proposed M25 junction 10/A3 Wisley interchange improvement scheme. On behalf of... Read more

  • Guildford Borough Council (Guildford Borough Council)

    Please see attached