Back to list Lower Thames Crossing

Representation by Daphne Revell

Date submitted
9 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This crossing should be at the A.130 via a Tunnel under the Thames to the M.2 in Kent.This was an option at the start of the Lower Thames Crossing choices, and then removed. It would be the least intr5usive, would not use vast areas of Grade 1 Agricultural Land (like it will in Thurrock) and far more cost effective too. Thurrock has the Dartford Tunnel which creates the highest air pollution in the U.K - causes chest infections, asthma, respiritory infections, heart and lung diseases, great distress to our young children as well because ofthese illnesses, and viral infections, [Redacted] We do not need and cannot endure this desecration being imposed on us after we sent in 700 replies to Highways England unanimously against the Lower Thames Crossing anywhere in our Borough -and our Council also joined us in this respect too. Destroy this scheme. Big waste of money .