Back to list Lower Thames Crossing

Representation by Samantha List

Date submitted
10 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

In response to your latest letter regarding the local refinement consultation I would like it noted that I strongly oppose the proposed Lower Thames Crossing as it is a total unnecessary project. In a time when we seek to reduce pollution I wonder why you wish to construct another road. Instead we should be aiming for improved public transport links not more roads. Alongside your desire to pollute is your aim to kill much wildlife, Flora and fauna. Again in this enlightened age I question your need to destroy what we now know is so beneficial for the planet. Think of your own children - do you wish to leave them a posion planet? My concerns are numerous in this negative impact project: It will not solve the Dartford Crossing issues and you should be more intelligent and start considering sustainable alternatives. The Dartford Crossing will remain busy until you offer clean options for transportation. National Highways needs a total revamp as policies and ideas seem antiquated and not compatible with a sustainable vision. Obviously National Highways have zero respect for human beings who reside near this ridiculous idea and our British wildlife. Accept this project is outdated and try to create something innovative instead. This project will destroy greenbelt, ancient and vital woodland, agricultural lands, homes, communities, businesses and more. Why do you seek to do this? The increase in carbon emissions seems to conflict with Newly proposed legal air pollution. Levels (PM2.5) and this is just criminal to continue to disregard this initiative. Why waste £8.2bn of taxpayers money when we have numerous more needy causes? Please Be more creative and design a non polluting train or tram link across the river?