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Representation by Hutchison Ports (Hutchison Ports)

Date submitted
11 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Hutchison Ports operates 50 ports in 25 countries. In the UK it owns and operates the Port of Felixstowe, Harwich International and London Thamesport. London Thamesport is an important short sea container and project cargo port located on the Isle of Grain in Kent, close to the Crossing’s southern arm. The majority of traffic using London Thamesport is destined for locations to the north of the River Thames and currently has to use the Dartford crossing. Frequent congestion at the crossing, and on the M25 either side of it, adds time and cost to supply chains that use the international gateways that lie to the south of the river, including London Thamesport. The Lower Thames Crossing will double road capacity across the River Thames east of London, and will help ease this congestion. It will improve journey times to and from London Thamesport, right across the region, extending the hinterland around the port and opening up new growth markets. Beyond the immediate region, the new connection will provide a quicker, more reliable connection between the major manufacturing centres and distribution hubs in the Midlands and the North and international gateways in the South. By reducing distribution costs for exporters it will create new opportunities for businesses from across the UK to collaborate, compete and reach new customers.