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Representation by Upminster & Cranham Residents' Association (Upminster & Cranham Residents' Association)

Date submitted
11 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We represent the residents of Upminster and Cranham. Our representation will highlight the potential downside effects for our residents of the new roads linking to the Lower Thames Crossing both in the construction phase and once its's operational. Where appropriate, we will suggest proposals that would help to mitigate these downside effects. Local Traffic Impact Residential roads suffer displaced motorway traffic. We seek funded mitigations including: 1. Weight restrictions in Front Lane. 2. New Pedestrian Crossing in Front Lane (near to Isis Drive), and upgrade to the crossing in St. Mary’s Lane (Jobbers Rest) supporting safer access to schools. Roads, Rights of Way and New Routes Roads, footpaths and a bridleway are impacted during construction with a detrimental impact on residents and businesses. The Ockendon Road closure period is too long. We seek: 1. A significant reduction in road closure timescales. 2. Clarity over routes affected, timelines and alternatives proposed. 3. Ongoing dialogue throughout the design process to ensure optimal routing, visual impact, layout and connectivity, utilising local knowledge. Air Quality and Health Impacts The Mayor of London is extending the Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) but increased NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 from the LTC negates any ULEZ benefits. Air quality assessment data is challenged. We seek: 1. Greater clarity over the quality and veracity of the data used. 2. A full and updated assessment of likely impacts on resident health in the vicinity of the new road. 3. Identification of specific mitigations. Green Belt Loss, Wildlife and Habitats Green Belt land currently supports a range of protected and notable species and wildlife. We are in principle against the loss of Green Belt to road building. We seek: 1. Information on affected species and relocation plans and, where practical, community engagement and involvement. 2. Assurance regarding maintenance to ensure that new planting attains maturity. Planting should generally have local provenance. 3. An assessment of wildlife corridors and how these will be maintained or re-created. Construction Compounds and Traffic The proposed North Ockendon compound siting located within a conservation area is inappropriate. Councillors will be a first point of contact for some residents during construction activity, including overnight. We seek: 1. Reconsideration of the compound location. 2. Assurances regarding measures to control noise and light pollution for residents, with transparent noise monitoring, recording and reporting. 3. Timely updates on new activities likely to cause disturbance. 4. 24hr lines of communication maintained, with transparent recording and reporting. Climate Change Risk Assessment Havering has experienced significant and damaging impacts during extreme weather including flooding and fire. We seek: 1. A full assessment of extreme weather risks, identifying relevant mitigations to protect properties in areas near the new road. Loss of Ancient and Other Woodland There is a loss of ancient woodland from Havering with a ‘compensatory’ new woodland to be planted outside of Havering's boundaries, but this does not represent compensation for the loss to Havering’s residents. We seek: 1. Further identification of land within Havering, preferably the east of Havering, for acquisition and planting for outdoor recreation. 2. A fund established for tree planting and environmental improvements on streets and public spaces in Havering. New Road Open There will be additional noise from increased traffic. We seek a commitment that: 1. National Highways will undertake post completion noise monitoring and, in consultation with residents, will determine the needs for and implement additional noise reduction infrastructure.