Back to list Lower Thames Crossing

Representation by David Baker

Date submitted
13 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The Dartford crosssing will still remain over capacity.The Lower Thames crossing will cause pollution have huge impacts on the environment thousands of acres ancient woodland, green belt and prime agricultural land Will be lost which is unacceptable especially in a climate emergency.The impact on wildlife will be devetating many rare species and birds have recently returned to ashenbank, claylane and shorne ancient woodland and any Lower Thames crossing activity will be unacceptable. The estimated construction costs of LTC are atleast two years out of date in my opinion the figures given will double which is a waste of tax payers money.The M25 should be completed and cheaper options considered.The LTC comes close to school sports fields recreational areas and highly populated areas The A2 will be reduced to just 2 Lanes creating a bottle neck the surrounding road networks will not be able to cope with the extra traffic. The lower Thames crossing will not solve it's original objectives,in my opinion it's more about gaining access to thousands of acres of ancient woodland green belt for future development which is extremely worrying once its gone it's gone.