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Representation by Havering Cyclists (Havering Cyclists)

Date submitted
15 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We object to the project on the grounds that it will cause an increase in motor traffic and pollution both generally and on local roads feeding the new crossing and make it more difficult for the UK to meet its carbon reduction targets. We believe that the funding should be spent instead on a much-needed public transport crossing such as the KenEx tram link. Should the project go ahead we would ask: 1) That the new crossing does not cause severance or obstruct any routes or paths used by walkers and cyclists. 2) That facilities are made available for walkers and cyclists to use the new crossing. 2) That measures are taken to block noise and air pollution from adjoining areas by planting hedges and trees along its route. 3) That the construction process keeps HGV movements on local roads to an absolute minimum. 4) That any HGVs that do use local roads have at least a three star Direct Vision rating.