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Representation by Thurrock Power Limited (Thurrock Power Limited)

Date submitted
18 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Thurrock Power Limited (“TPL”) has the benefit of a development consent order for a flexible generation plant, granted in February 2022 (“TPL DCO”). The TPL DCO consents a combination of reciprocating gas engine electricity generation and battery storage (with associated development) primarily on land to the north of the existing National Grid Tilbury substation. The Order Limits of that granted DCO and the LTC proposal overlap and there are a number of interfaces between the consented TPL DCO and the proposed Lower Thames Crossing (“LTC”) scheme including (without limitation): 1) TPL’s consented high pressure gas pipeline to connect the proposed reciprocating engines to the national gas transmission. The proposed gas pipeline route traverses the LTC scheme and could be constructed before, concurrently or after the construction of the LTC scheme. The LTC application proposes a diversion of TPL’s consented gas pipeline route; 2) TPL’s consented Station Road access, water pipe and other service routes interface with the proposed LTC scheme; 3) LTC’s proposed access and conveyor routes intersect the TPL DCO boundary; and 4) traffic management co-operation will need to be considered in the event the TPL DCO and LTC schemes are constructed concurrently. The parties are also in discussion as to how any powers each has or may have would be exercised to ensure alignment and prevent, for example, a clash in the use of compulsory powers or powers of temporary possession. Further discussion is also required as to how the interfaces can be managed to ensure that TPL can comply with the requirements of its DCO. TPL is supportive of the LTC scheme and has no in principle objections but submits this representation and wishes to have interested party status in the examination in order to ensure adequate provision for the above-mentioned interfaces (and any others that may become apparent) is made.