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Representation by The landowners of the land as referenced on the Land Registry as BGL106153 – being Yue Keung Stephen Lee and Lai Yu Cheung (The landowners of the land as referenced on the Land Registry as BGL106153 – being Yue Keung Stephen Lee and Lai Yu Cheung)

Date submitted
1 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We are instructed by Yue Keung Stephen Lee and Lai Yu Cheung (our clients) care of Strutt & Parker, Coval Hall, Rainsford Road, Chelmsford, CM1 2QF and of Flat C, 12/F., Wah Yu Court, 8 Hong Ping Street, Hong Kong in connection with National Highways Lower Thames Crossing proposals. Further to our responses on their behalf to National Highways previous Public Consultations our clients maintain their holding objection to the LTC proposals, as shown in the designs that were submitted as part of Highways DCO application. Assets We consider their following interests will be directly affected by the scheme: 1. The land owned as referenced on the Land Registry as BGL106153 The land is productive arable land growing a high yielding hay crop. Continuing growing of this crop could prove difficult/impossible both during and after the construction of the proposed scheme. The landowner has future plans to keep animals onsite as part of a smallholding. Comments/objections at present Following the numerous correspondence had with our client and National Highways representatives our client remains frustrated with Highways proposals. They had plans to move back to the UK permanently and utilise their land to form a smallholding where they would keep animals. However, Highways requirement for permanent acquisition of the vast majority of their land, to create “flood compensation areas” and “environmental mitigation” areas, would sterilise their ability to carry this out and leave them with a small parcel of land that would require a Right of Way to access. The clients therefore object to the proposed acquisition of their land on this basis, in particular to the proposals to acquire their two fields to the East. Oliver Lukies of Strutt & Parker For and on behalf of Yue Keung Stephen Lee and Lai Yu Cheung