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Representation by Gordon Hayers

Date submitted
1 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly object to the LTC. These thoughts represent only some of my reasons. Having been born in and lived in Thurrock most of my [Redacted] years, I’ve witnessed many changes. Over the decades many major polluters disappeared and Thurrock became a more green and pleasant place to live. The push from rail to road transport, building the Lakeside retail park and shopping centre started a reversal of that trend in Thurrock. I’m sure that many on the Kent side of the Thames will agree. Building the LTC will make little difference to the problems it was intended to solve at the Dartford crossing - so why waste at least a further £10m - adding further emissions that we are legally bound by the Paris Agreement to 68% reductions by 2030! As recently reported, the UK could be the only major economy to shrink in 2023 – can we afford to build this road which will inevitably increase road traffic? Should this ill conceived crossing go ahead not only will Thurrock have noise pollution, light pollution and emissions from the west side it will have the same pollution from it’s east side. Not only will people suffer the consequences so will the wildlife, some endangered, that consider Thurrock and Kent their home.