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Representation by Bluewater (Landsec) (Bluewater (Landsec))

Date submitted
7 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

On behalf of Bluewater Shopping Centre, which is owned and managed by Landsec, I would like to make the following representations in support for the Lower Thames Crossing. To provide some context, Bluewater is one of the largest shopping centres in the UK, spanning 240 acres, with 330 stores and over 50 bars, restaurants, and cafes. Each year, between 7,000 and 10,000 individuals work at Bluewater, making us one of the largest employers in the local area and we contribute £422 million to the economy and welcome 27 million visitors each year. We have a clear vision for Bluewater which builds on what is already a thriving retail destination. Due to our unique location, in a former chalk quarry just outside of Dartford, many of Bluewater’s customers and employees require road access to get to the Centre. Much like other businesses in the area, we are impacted by the congestion at the Dartford Crossing with customers and staff struggling to get to the Centre. The Dartford Crossing was designed to take 135,000 vehicles a day, but it is now operating well over capacity, as it is regularly used by more than 150,000. The Crossing cannot keep up with the increasing demand and the huge number of vehicles that make use of it each day. The resulting congestion damages both the economy and environment and needs to be addressed. The Lower Thames Crossing will make it easier and more energy efficient to travel between Kent and Essex and will benefit Bluewater in particular by providing a new route for customers from across the Thames to reach us, increasing our footfall and allowing more individuals to benefit from the social value the Centre adds to the wider community. It will also relieve congestion at the Dartford Crossing, which will free up space on the road network around the shopping centre, creating an even more pleasant customer experience. Our centre is particular busy during weekend hours and bank holidays, so we welcome the desire to ease congestion on the Dartford Crossing, improve journeys across the region, and create a new, reliable, connection to jobs. We welcome the development of the Lower Thames Crossing and believe it could have a transformative impact on the prosperity and convenience of the local area. We would welcome further opportunities to engage with this process as it progresses.