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Representation by Kent Countryside Access Forum (Kent Countryside Access Forum)

Date submitted
9 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The Kent Countryside Access Forum is a statutory body which advises Councils and other organisations on matters concerning Public Rights of Way (PRoW) and Green Spaces. The Forum represents the interests of all non-motorised users (NMU) - walkers, cyclists, horse riders and carriage drivers, and people with disabilities. (Motorised Users are also included where appropriate). Forum members have been reasonably happy about provision of paths for NMU so far, but there are some concerns. All NMU's, including horse riders need to be included on paths and bridges, unless there is a sound reason to exclude them. All the new paths must be permanent Public Rights of Way or the equivalent, 'Permissive' paths can too easily be removed, making unacceptable breaks in the network. Restricted Byway would be the ideal status - it is unlikely that there will be more than a very few Horse-drawn vehicles, but this status ensures that there are no barriers to vehicles for disabled people. Bridleways would be acceptable as allowing walkers, cyclists and ridden horses. Connections to paths and lanes outside the Development Area are very important, to allow users access to the new paths. There is also an opportunity for new paths in the areas of proposed Compensation Land at Burham and Blue Bell Hill, and for connections to existing PRoW in those areas.