Back to list Lower Thames Crossing

Representation by Simon Barber

Date submitted
9 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am opposing the Lower Thames River Crossing on the following grounds and the project would: -Increase traffic growth leading to more CO2 emissions, plus construction emissions -Not solve Dartford crossing as claimed by National Highways -Impact on the Kent downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty -Increase both air and noise pollution which will have direct and indirect impacts on humans and endangered species -Increase severance of local communities -Cost taxpayers at least &10 billion Meanwhile, however, a new proposal had been promoted by New Lower Thames Transport Tunnel organisation [redacted] for a rail crossing whereby two all-purpose railway tracks are envisaged which I am very much in favour. That railway will enable fast freight links to the East Coast ports and the Channel Tunnel bypassing Central London. The tunnel will also be a major source of geothermal energy, adding to local power capacity. The tracks will also be built to HS1 standards.