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Representation by Irene Hamilton

Date submitted
9 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

There is no evidence that this link road will have any benefits for this area. I live in South Ockendon and the impact this will have on the environment is criminal! The air pollution, the destruction of any remaining wildlife and the increase of traffic to the area is untenable! This totally contravenes any agreements by this Government, taken at various international conferences on climate change. Then there is the enormous cost of building this road, at a time when we are all being asked to tighten our belts. Taxpayers money should be used to improve public transport and protect nature and our land for future generations . If this road is built the people of Ockendon will be in a triangle of the worst pollution being surrounded by the M25 the A13 and this new link road… this will put a further strain on health services. I have heard the argument about electric vehicles… how many people will be able to afford them before 2030 ( the limited few years to deal with rising CO2 levels, never mind the cost of the environmental damage in the amount of raw materials needed to build this road! I urge the planners to halt this whole idea…I don’t want it in my back yard… or anyone else’s! [Redacted].