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Representation by Professor Phil Goodwin

Date submitted
14 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The case for the scheme is faulty, as it is not compliant with important parts of the National Policy Statement, the Department for Transport’s appraisal guidance, and other material Government policies on value for money and climate. (I note that this does not concern the merits of the NPS). There are inconsistencies in the assumptions and calculations published by National Highways. Resolving these inconsistencies weakens, and in some cases overturns, the case for the scheme. The case for the scheme has not been adequately updated since early versions, especially in relation to transport conditions and plans in the vicinity of the scheme, and in those areas to and from which users of the scheme will travel, affecting the reliability of the case, risk factors, and traffic conditions, benefits and costs. A proper consideration of alternatives has not previously been carried out, and therefore the Examining Authority cannot satisfy itself that it has been.