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Representation by Wandsworth Bridge Road Association (Wandsworth Bridge Road Association)

Date submitted
15 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The Wandsworth Bridge Road Association as an organisation works to combat air-pollution, improve the health and well being of the population and enable the regeneration of High Streets, both locally in West London, and nationally becoming an exemplar of the 15min village. Car dominance is as the heart of our current crises: Climate, Air, Health and it is now recognised that as a society we must reverse our priorities. This is recognised in HMG's transport policy. Build more roads and more cars will come. Any "extra capacity" will quickly disappear failing in the primary stated objective of relieving the Dartford tunnel. This project is: - contrary to Government's climate obligation - Fails our legally binding climate obligations under Paris Agreement - contrary to Government's air pollution reduction objectives - Fails Treasury's BCR (even excluding correctly priced environmental impacts) There is no valid argument; economic or societal for this project and it should not go ahead. Funding for transport urgently needs to move away from road infrastructure to public transport and active transport. kind regards [Redacted]