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Representation by Andrew Charlton

Date submitted
17 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I object to the scheme because although it may relieve some of the pressure on the Dartford Crossing I do not believe it is worth the money or upheaval it will cause. 1. Spending £9bn on a project at a time when public finances are already overstretched in in my opinion is irresponsible. 2. An estimated 20 per cent reduction in traffic using the Dartford Crossing does not appear to be good value for money. 3. One of the beneficiaries from the 'LTC' project namely, Dartford Borough Council, have stated publicly that the Dartford Crossing is at 'saturation point' and yet they continue to develop warehousing facilities on the Littlebrook site close to the Dartford Crossing leading to more commercial pressure on the Dartford Crossing which is hypocritical by any means. 4. Very little thought has been given over to the adverse effect the LTC will have on the A228 through Cuxton to junction junction 4 of the M20 or the route through Peter's Village onto the A228 from the same junction. They will become 'rat runs' and the routes cannot sustain the greater volumes of traffic without the loss of more green belt land. 5. Since the original Dartford Tunnel was built in the 1960's the whole area either side of the River Thames has been developed. I would expect National Highways and other authorities such as Kent County Council, Gravesham Borough Council and Medway Unitary body to put assurances in place that if the scheme does go ahead that the Shorne marshes and other natural features are safeguarded from development. 6. The residents in the boroughs of Dartford and Thurrock benefit from a residents discount scheme related to the Dartford Crossing. I live within Gravesham Borough but live very close to the boundary with neighbouring Dartford and am closer to the Dartford Crossing than some Dartford residents and yet I cannot claim a discount. I understand that if the LTC goes ahead I am likely to benefit from a discount when using it. This will be of little or no benefit because I envisage using the Dartford Crossing in any event. Please ensure that any future discount scheme covering both the Dartford Crossing and LTC is properly thought out with residents of Gravesham being able claim a discount when using both or at the very least choose which crossing they wish to obtain a discount on.