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Representation by Gagg Family (Gagg Family)

Date submitted
18 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

INTERESTED PARTY • Harlex Haulage Services Limited, J & B Martin (Crayford & Fawkham) Limited PLOT NUMBERS • 03-13, 03-27, 03-39, 03-45, 03-46, 03-47, 03-49, 03-51, 03-53, 03-54, 03-56, 03-59, 03-62, 03-66, 03-67, 03-68, 03-79, 03-82, 03-83, 03-84, 03-85, 03-86, 03-88. REPRESENTATION • Statement of Reasons 4.1 under Annex B Schedule of Negotiations No 371, briefly identifies the engagement between the parties up to the point of submission of the DCO application and its subsequent acceptance by PINS. The Interested Party (Harlex) has requested a Statement of Common Ground to be considered, but the Applicant believes that a Voluntary Agreement and details to be submitted to a Commitments Register would be more appropriate. We would question why a Statement of Common Ground would not be more appropriate. The response has been that they are offering private landowner commitments and a form of voluntary agreement to address various concerns. Provided the agreement and/or commitments are counter signed, they will transfer those internally and contractually to our future contractors to observe. We would ask PINS to address the appropriateness of the Applicant’s proposed actions. • The Interested Party has significant concerns regarding the design of Park Pale Road and the proposed cycleway (3metres wide) as the design will exacerbate the anti-social behaviour that occurs in the locality. The area under the existing Park Pale overbridge will be used as a shelter and refuge point for anti-social behaviour. The Interested Party would like access restrictions from Park Pale to the new cycle path to prevent it being used as a road. The Applicant confirmed that the level of design detail is not yet developed however will take this feedback on board and add it to an internal register to notify contractors of design feedback once appointed. As a design and build Scheme, there is no commitment to address this concern. • Harlex are also concerned about illegal parking on Park Pale and that the Applicant’s proposals for replacement open space and enhanced cycle way will exacerbate this. The Applicant states that they have relayed this concern to KCC previously and will relay again. • Whilst the Applicant is proposing to install a new car park off Thong Lane to accommodate any increase in users of the increased Public Open Space, we understand that the Car Park’s will be a pay and display and so the Public will continue to park illegally along Park Pale Road and will increase the safety concerns. The new Car Park is also too far from the extended POS that crosses directly north of the Harlex haulage yard. • Harlex have requested a continuous curb profile as Park Pale road diverts to provide access to the Harlex yard and the Golf Club to deter people parking and congregating in the T part. No commitment given by the Applicant. • Harlex have proposed a new entrance and exit design. The Applicant confirmed the current arrangement was proposed by Harlex, and accepted by the Applicant, and that this latest change is likely to impact upon other design models (such as open space and woodland mitigation calculations). However, LTC did confirm they will consider and revert. • Harlex requested new gates at the entrance to the Yard and fencing to the northern extent of the new access road to prevent dogs from roaming onto the new Harlex road. The Applicant stated that this is a matter of detailed design. • Harlex also has concerns about the practicalities of vehicles/lorries using the new entrance from Park Pale. • Harlex suggested there would be level issues with ensuring the new access ties into the site. The Applicant stated that the contractors would need to ensure the access ties into the site. • Harlex referred to ownership of the new entrance and exit road. In principle the Applicant are comfortable transferring ownership to Harlex so long as the Applicant reserve the rights they require and also Crichel Down rules don’t apply. • Harlex require an access off the balancing pond road into the field to the east of the yard. Whilst this has been raised on numerous occasions, it does not appear on any drawings. This needs to be agreed and a firm commitment as to its design. • Harlex requested a description of the extent of works the Applicant is carrying out to the southern edge of their site which causes the existing access to be severed. The Applicant is proposing to install a new two lane collector road just north of the A2. All associated works (such as drainage, lighting, earthworks) will also be required as part of the installation of the collector road. • Alongside the new road, there will be a shared use path for cyclists and pedestrians connecting the existing shared use route (south of Harlex) to Park Pale (at the proposed closure). This gives great concern to the Interested Party due to likely escalation of anti-social behaviour and safety concerns due to the interaction with the Haulage Yard. • The Applicant stated that the details of the access to the proposed shared use route, and the route itself, are high-level at present and will be developed at the detailed design stage. The route will be designed using the latest design standards to Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DRMB) and LTN 1/20 Design Guidance, with a likely minimum width of 3m. Vehicle access will be restricted to the shared use area and the comments raised on site by Harlex will be added to the internal register to be considered at the next design stage. • The works described above have the effect of severing the existing Harlex access from Park Pale and therefore the replacement access is required to ensure continued access remains undisrupted. • The Interested Party has been trying unsuccessfully to get double yellow lines both sides from the golf club bridge along Park Pale Road as well as maybe some chicanes to assist with safety concerns. This issue is not only for existing use but also construction traffic for the Scheme. • There is also a significant amount of fly tipping in Park Pale Road as it is a comparatively underutilized. Hence the Interested Party has requested that there should be a substantial set of gates at the junction of the new access road and the existing road to the golf club. • Harlex as well as the residents of Bowesden Lane have suffered from break ins by individuals using 4WD vehicles. A fence and gates would protect against this and protect any tree stock that is planted until it is more mature. • This list is not exhaustive and demonstrates the need for firm commitments in terms of engagement and detailed design.