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Representation by Denise Mulchrone

Date submitted
20 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am very concerned by the LTC Proposal for a number of reasons. I grew up in Kent and have lived and worked in Essex. I now live in Bedford but spend 50% of my time in Chalk caring for my mother. I am in walking distance of the area ‘selected’ for route C so have knowledge of the area including public footpaths. The LTC is not required or wanted. It will not resolve congestion at the Dartford crossing. I believe it will cause additional congestion between the existing Dartford Crossing and the proposed route C. The plans, as I see them, do not account for accidents/emergencies and the resulting backlog of vehicles crossing Kent and Essex. Obvious rat runs have been ignored. Environmental impact on marsh lands both south and north of the Thames. Compulsory and temporary purchase of land positioned directly adjacent to areas of significant interest results in further eroding marshlands and surrounding farmland. Known negative impact on woods and farmland and habitat. E.g., plans to bulldoze through Shorne Woods in Kent were only altered after protest. Pollution levels exceed guidelines and are bound to increase. Financial planning; costs will increase. Scope of project is bound to grow.; just as it did with the original Dartford tunnel, requiring additional land for tunnels and emergency access etc. Financial ambiguity of what aspects are funded by whom. Little communication of resulting impact of local road budgets due to major replans of roads and emergency planning contingency. Plans and details have been continuously vague and ambiguous. End results not openly documented/discussed e.g., chalk pits, housing developments and positioning of heavy machinery in north Kent (Chalk, Gravesend). Behaviours of contractors to date. On a very small level, I have had to follow up a contractor who closed gates to public footpaths with a sign saying “Warning, Guard Dogs in Use”.