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Representation by E and K Benton Limited (E and K Benton Limited)

Date submitted
20 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Our client, E and K Benton Limited, objects to the Lower Thames Crossing (‘LTC’) proposals which would result in a loss of existing farmland, blight on existing property and, in the absence of a strategic masterplan for the areas affected, create further impacts on the planned growth of South Ockendon (South Ockendon being one of the principal strategic growth locations of the developing Thurrock Council Local Plan). Furthermore, we submit the following outline of the principal issues on behalf of our client, on which we will wish to make further representations to the Planning Inspectorate during Examination: (i) The LTC project has failed to adopt a strategic masterplanning exercise from the outset that should recognise the wider implications of the LTC on existing and future growth plans for South Essex; in particular engagement with landowners to consider how the LTC project could benefit the wider community and mitigate the impact and loss of farmland and land earmarked for future growth has been limited; (ii) The designation of land for ecological mitigation and flood compensation land purposes at South Ockendon and a lack of engagement at a detailed level in this respect; (iii) Additional public rights of way (‘NMUs’) and loss of land for these purposes. (iv) The proposal for permanent acquisition of freehold title as the basis for delivering new NMUs including over existing farm access tracks; (v) Proposed NMUs (FP136/BR219, South Ockendon) and the potential for unauthorised access to adjoining land and the means by which this is prevented; (vi) North Road, South Ockendon NMU design and proposal including lack of discussion on alternative routing proposed on the existing North Road (as proposed by our client); (vii) Use of Medebridge Road (South Ockendon) for construction purposes, its impact on the existing users and the future use of Medebridge Road to support development at South Ockendon and post construction legacy; (viii) Post construction access to farmland under/over LTC alignment adjacent to the Mardyke and tree planting location issues; (ix) Design specification for overbridges for large farm machinery and HGV use on new alignment of FP136, South Ockendon; (x) Attenuation works to mitigate the visual, noise impacts and air quality issues during construction and on existing properties at South Ockendon Hall Farm and future mixed-use growth at South Ockendon; (xi) Environmental mitigation works in respect of ‘The Moat’ at South Ockendon Hall Farm; (xii) Unspecified terms of new utility easements/wayleaves and issues of sterilised land; (xiii) Impact on access to land and property outside of the LTC development boundary during construction; (xiv) That Medebridge Road and the Moat area are revisited in terms of the permanent land and access requirements as currently the proposals will likely prohibit future development in this identified growth area; (xv) That Medebridge Road and its junction with the A13 should be upgraded to a major haul road permanently (i.e. not just during the construction period).