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Representation by The Owners of Norrskken, Station Road, East Tilbury (The Owners of Norrskken, Station Road, East Tilbury)

Date submitted
20 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Our client, David Mott and Karin Misra, object to the Lower Thames Crossing proposals which would result in a loss of existing farmland and a significant effect on their business viability, blight on existing property and create significant impacts on the planned growth of East Tilbury (East Tilbury being one of the principal strategic growth locations of the developing Thurrock Council Local Plan). Furthermore, we submit the following outline of the principal issues on behalf of our client, on which we will wish to make further representations to the Inspectorate during examination: (i) The LTC project has failed to adopt a strategic masterplanning exercise from the outset that sought to recognise the wider implications of the LTC on existing and future growth plans for South Essex; in particular engagement with landowners to consider how the LTC project could benefit the wider community and mitigate the impact and loss of farmland and land earmarked for future growth has been limited; (ii) The designation of land for ecological mitigation and its impact on existing and future land use at East Tilbury. Our client further considers that designation of the extent of land for these purposes is an excessive use of compulsory powers; (iii) Alternative locations within the LTC order limits for ecological mitigation purposes that would mitigate loss of farmland and future development land; (iv) Impact on existing Pulverised Fly Ash extraction and land restoration operations; (v) Impact on phasing of future development land proposals at East Tilbury and Linford; (vi) Basis of justification for additional public rights of way (‘NMUs’) and loss of land for these purposes where we consider that there is no statutory obligation to improve routes for walkers, cyclists, and horse riders in the statutory process; (vii) The proposal for permanent acquisition of freehold title as the basis for delivering new NMUs; (viii) Severance of land and implications for access north and south of Station Road as a consequence of proposed new NMUs; (ix) The potential for unauthorised access to adjoining land from proposed new NMUs and the means by which this is prevented; (x) Visual and noise impact mitigation on existing properties at Goshems Farm and future mixed-use growth at East Tilbury; (xi) Unspecified terms of new utility easements/wayleaves and issues of sterilised land for future development and effect on existing farming operations; (xii) Impact on access to land and property outside of the LTC development boundary during and post construction; particularly in respect of land west of the LTC northern portal alignment; (xiii) Designation of land in our client’s ownership as replacement common land where this common land is not currently in our client’s ownership; (xiv) Access provisions to land outside of the LTC development boundary and access to existing jetty facilities on the River Thames frontage during and post construction; (xv) Impact of temporary water supply pipeline from Linford to northern portal works area on future land use; (xvi) Justification for Tilbury Fields as amenity land post construction; (xvii) Tilbury Fields design and potential issues of landslip as a consequence of proposed level of landfilling proposed in this location from tunnelling operations; (xviii) Risk of contamination transgressing from former landfill to the east of the LTC alignment during and post construction of northern portal; (xix) Impact of the proposed East Tilbury/LTC junction layout and connectivity to future development at East Tilbury and use of land west of the LTC alignment post construction.