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Representation by Kent Downs AONB Unit (Kent Downs AONB Unit)

Date submitted
21 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The Kent Downs AONB Unit will submit its relevant representation by email before the deadline of 24/02/2023. Below is a summary of the the main points raised: The proposed scheme would result in significant adverse impacts to the landscape and scenic beauty of the Kent Downs AONB, principally as a result of the widening of the A2 and associated vegetation loss and the proximity of the new junction with the A2 to the AONB boundary. It is considered that the route selection process failed to give sufficient consideration of impacts to the nationally protected AONB, particularly as the majority of the impacts within the designated area were not known at the time the route was selected. While a comprehensive package of mitigation is proposed, it is not considered that the impacts of the scheme on the Kent Downs AONB can be satisfactorily mitigated and much of the mitigation/compensation planting is proposed outside of the Kent Downs AONB. It is therefore considered that in the event of the Project coming forward, compensation should be provided for the acknowledged harm to the AONB. The residual impacts to the AONB are considered to be underassessed in the LVIA. It is also considered that the Planning Statement’s justification against the tests set out in the NPSNN relating to impacts on the AONB underplays the harm to this designation and relies over heavily in justification of the scheme on a reduction of impact arising as a result of design refinements. The Kent Downs AONB strongly objects to the scheme.
