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Representation by Essex Police (Essex Police)

Date submitted
21 February 2023
Submitted by
Other statutory consultees

The representations of Essex Police seek to secure appropriate mitigation and management measures, either via requirements of the DCO or a planning obligation to address the likely impacts arising from the scheme on its operations, service capacity, infrastructure, and resources, incorporating staff, vehicle fleet and estate assets. We understand that the project will provide a new road connection between the A2 and M2 in Kent, via an under river crossing and join the M25 close to junction 29 and whilst the need, transport, safety, and user benefits are acknowledged, our review of the scheme indicates that significant impacts are likely to arise for Essex Police, particularly during construction phase of the development, which require appropriate mitigation and management as part of any Development Consent Order. Comments are also made in relation to the design principles for the operational phase of the Scheme, which warrant consideration in the form of scheme clarification and/ or amendment. As key social infrastructure providers, emergency services and ‘interested parties’ in this DCO process, Essex Police are engaging with the Applicant (National Highways) with the aim of reaching substantive agreement on the main issues with any outstanding matters to be discussed and agreed during the Examination. Such measures are likely to incorporate: - Developer funding to support the policing provision to increase capacity, response capability and project preparations for resourcing, infrastructure, vehicle fleet and estate assets. - Developer support for early mitigation measures to reduce disruption to service provision, including the development of plans and contingencies for - facilitating emergency access which in urgent cases may also require safe National Police Air Service (NPAS) helicopter access. Additionally, emergency and resilience planning must be engaged to ensure an appropriate multi-agency plan is in place to respond to incidents. - Developer support for Essex Police for the duration of the construction period to ensure effective engagement with the Developer and blue light partners, supporting the creation of emergency procedures, community liaison and membership at appropriate working groups where appropriate. Developer support to reduce the impact and disruption during the construction phase to surrounding communities and Essex Police employees, including community liaison measures and a clear customer contact strategy. - It is recognised the completion of the Lower Thames Crossing will bring significant benefits to the road networks currently provided in this area. To maintain road safety measures and ensure benefits are maximised it is suggested that where appropriate, the average speed systems in force during construction should remain as a legacy to the project and to assist the Safer Essex Roads Partnership (SERP) with the aspiration of Vision Zero road deaths and serious injury by 2040. A written submission (Relevant Representation) to follow under separate cover. Essex Police have prepared a detailed document outlining all representations. But a synopsis of the areas of concern are: DESIGN: The scheme should be planned and designed to improve safety and provide best opportunity to lower crime and fatalities, supporting measures to mitigate risk on the road network and to surrounding communities. This will include: -Preventing KSI (those Killed or Seriously Injured) Road Traffic Collisions and suicide -Preventing the potential risk of a possible attack towards ongoing traffic by objects being thrown from a bridge. -Mitigating the potential for Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB), damage and graffiti. -Mitigating the risk of protest activity CONSTRUCTION: While the introduction of workers will boost the local economy there will be disbenefits which could impact local residents such as increased night time economy and associated increase in volumes of crime as a victim or involved party. The force is preparing an analytical product to seek remuneration to employ additional staff to offset the increase in incidents associated with the construction phase. The construction phase will present significant challenges to the force to respond to incidents and reduce response times and additional road safety measures to offset the increased demand.
