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Representation by Linda Helsey

Date submitted
21 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

There are not many areas within Essex which remain free for our wildlife. My own town is considering building on greenbelt and open spaces. The Wildlife Trust have worked hard to establish habitates but the proposed tunnel will impact on animals such as water voles, reptiles and rare insects. We are constantly reminded that trees form an important part in our diversity yet this development will cause fragmentation of habitats, including ancient woodland and local wildlife sites. With the increase in noise and light pollution, communication, breeding, feeding and movement in species such as bats, birds and insects will all be affected. I appreciate that we all need to get around, but we need to pay particular attention to all of natures needs otherwise we will have a country not worth living in! We need nature to support our biodiversity goals, that does not include eradicating it!