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Representation by Persimmon Homes Essex (Persimmon Homes Essex)

Date submitted
22 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Persimmon Homes Essex Land Interest: Land at Grey Goose Farm, North-east Greys, Orsett Title Number: EX584003 Status: Inside order limits Persimmon Homes Essex (PHE) supports the Lower Thames Crossing (LTC) proposal in principal and recognises the strategic importance of this nationally significant infrastructure project. However it is essential that Thurrock council and Essex Highways work together to maximise the socio-economic benefits of this project. Thurrock has not had an adopted development plan that allocated new sites for housing since 1997 and uncertainty over the route for the LTC has been cited as a reason for the more recent delays in production of a new Local Plan. The absence of a development plan has contributed to the acute shortage of housing within the borough which has contributed to disparity between the strong employment growth and lack of housing development. Thurrock council has acknowledged that green belt will have to be released in order to meet housing need. It is therefore critical that the LTC only takes land that is necessary to deliver the infrastructure and does not provide ‘contingency land’ for environmental mitigation in unsuitable places (ie land that could be used for housing). North-east Grays has been identified as a sustainable location to accommodate housing growth both at a strategic level and as a smaller scale urban extension. PHE has a land interest, as detailed above, which is located to the north of Long Lane, to the south of the A13 and directly adjacent to the built up area of north-east Grays. Being located on the edge of a settlement boundary, visually contained and well served by local infrastructure, this makes for a sustainable location for housing development. It is vitally important that the LTC does not prejudice the future delivery of homes within the North-East Grays arc, including those at Grey Goose Farm. The Land Plans that have been submitted with the application entitled Land Plans regulation 5(2)(i) Sheet 29 show that some of the land at Grey Goose Farm has been allocated. The northern section has been allocated for permanent acquisition of land. Land to the south east of the site has been allocated for permanent acquisition and temporary acquisition. The centre of the site has not been given a land allocation. These areas of permanent acquisition, particularly the area to the south east of the site would sterilise the use of the site and results in it being unable to be brought forward for future residential development which is much needed in the District. Consequently PHE Strongly objects to these land use designations. PHE does not object to the temporary land use proposed as long as the land is returned to its former state and does not hold up development progress on the rest of the site or render the area unusable for residential development. Overall, whilst PHE supports the LTC proposal in principal, it is essential that the LTC does not prevent the council from delivering necessary housing development.