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Representation by Pamela Bunton

Date submitted
22 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I strongly objection to the proposals for the LTC in our area for the following reasons: * It fails on the WHO standard for PM 2.5 which is unacceptable * The carbon emissions would be over 5 million tonnes, how is this a green plan? * Concerned how the M25 and LTC would fit into the upcoming ULEZ zone they travel through. * The road users on the M25 Dartford crossing and proposed LTC are mainly very large diesel emitting HGV both UK and European lorries, not electric cars and projected emissions and impact have been under-estimated as such. * I object to the encasing of Ockendon between M25 and LTC with A13 and A127 boundaries, this is a residential area of thousands being written off to industrial waste land, this proposed plan taking the last open land (lungs) in the area...there are better solutions, more suitable areas, including at the existing crossing. * If built: the 24 hours a day construction over many years; the noise, mass pollution and traffic diversions * Continuous local road chaos, we only have one road in and out, which is heavily used and at the point of proposed LTC work and welfare units, the road and drivers can't cope. * There aren't enough connections for local road networks *The escalating costs billions by billions to a current more than doubling of original costs of £10+ billion (also up by approx £2 billion in less than 2 years: £8.2billion in 2021) and rising, is this the best spend of taxpayers money? * The completed road would not be fit for purpose and address any issues at the existing crossing. * I object to the proximity of the proposed LTC to our area in Ockendon, so close to houses, homes, schools, the impact of pollution is already high and would be devastating. * I object to the destruction and damage to the environment; from residents, to woodlands to animals to farmers fields and greenbelt. * The proposed LTC has not been a fair consultation, excluding participation by heavily relying on computer based research of very detailed specs * I am concerned that there has been a lack in number of community consultations, and focus on daytimes and in areas not as accessible with little option, such as Orsett Hall day event...preventing many from being able to attend. * LTC's lack of care for residents: A case in point, our meeting for local residents, we have one this round, is today at Brandon Groves from 3-8pm, just two days before this very form to register interest in the process has to be completed by, the 24th February deadline! * I object because the plans originally proposed were not transparent, such as adding extra lanes later etc and the details, proposed work and videos of 'how the road will look' (actually projected 15 years after completion) are all very and I assume deliberately misleading.