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Representation by Chelmsford Diocesan Board of Finance (CDBF) (Chelmsford Diocesan Board of Finance (CDBF))

Date submitted
22 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

This summary sets out the key concerns of the Chelmsford Diocesan Board of Finance (CDBF). The CDBF’s concerns are set out in full in a letter dated 21st February 2023 to Sarah Collins, Head of Land, Property and Compensation, National Highways. 1) Land North of South Ockendon The CDBF confirm that they support in full the representations that have been submitted on behalf of Bellway Homes Ltd. concerning Land North of South Ockendon, and which are set out in a letter also dated 21st February 2023 to Sarah Collins, Head of Land, Property and Compensation, National Highways. As shown on the Illustrative Masterplan appended to that letter, the land’s western boundary abuts the railway line to the east of South Ockendon. Through its emerging Local Plan, Thurrock Council has identified South Ockendon, including the land over which Bellway Homes has an option (see also Illustrative Bellway Option Plan also appended to that letter), as having potential for large scale strategic growth of up to 10,000 homes to meet identified housing needs. This includes the land interests of the CDBF. Bellway’s intention was and continues to be to develop the entirety of the area within their Option Plan, which includes the land owned by the CDBF. Therefore, construction of the LTC over this land will lead to a significant reduction in the developable area. As a result of the current LTC proposals the capacity of the land being promoted by Bellway will reduce to approximately 1,000 dwellings and approximately 20 acres of employment land, as indicated on the illustrative masterplan. There could be a further reduction in the number of homes delivered within Bellway’s Option due to the impact of noise generated by the LTC if this is not sufficiently mitigated. Further detailed concerns are set out within the above-mentioned letter. 2) Land South of Ockendon Road, North Ockendon (North Ockendon Glebe) The CDBF has previously raised three queries with National Highways regarding this land. To date, we note that we have not received a formal response to those queries, which are repeated, as below: 1. Plans still appear to be to close the bridge over Ockendon Road for 19 months between June 2025 and March 2027. Can National Highways please confirm how they propose to provide access to North Ockendon Glebe during this time? 2. Previous plans showed a parcel of land that was severed on Land Registry Title Number EGL419156. This is no longer the case, but the latest plans do not identify a field access. A field access is essential to the current tenant of the land and its loss would have a significant impact on their use of the land. to the field from Ockendon Road. 3. The land allocated as “temporary occupation with permanent acquisition of rights” appears to be the diversion of utilities. Can National Highways confirm what utility will be diverted, when it is likely to occur and whether there is any undergrounding?