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Representation by David Cowlbeck

Date submitted
22 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to make representation with respect to the following areas of concern: - Wildlife - the LTC development would have severe harmful implications to wildlife and habitats, from Biodiversity loss of native water voles, reptiles and rare insects. As well as damage to habitats, from local wildlife sites to ancient woodlands. - Displacement - the LTC development would result in the displacement of many residents, businesses, farmers, and landowners. Not only would this detrimentally impact livelihoods, homes, and businesses - it would have wider impacts on the local economy that will be felt for years to come. - Pollution, Environment, and Noise - the LTC will further worsen local environmental issues, with increased noise and lighting which would disturb communication, movement, breeding, and feeding of bats, birds, and insects. Along with increased traffic resulting in increased CO2 emissions which directly conflicts with the government's target to reach net zero by 2050. - Smart Motoway - the LTC would be a further rollout of the Smart Motorway system, which has proved highly controversial with recent statistics (report by the BBC) showing that on one stretch of the M25 that removed the hard should under the Smart Motorway system had seen a 20-fold increase in roadside near misses.