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Representation by Cobham Parish Council (Cobham Parish Council)

Date submitted
22 February 2023
Submitted by
Parish councils

I am the Vice chair of Cobham Parish Council, and this represents the opinions and concerns of my fellow parish councillors and I. During the consultation period we have been working with the LTC team, and have produced a Statement of Common Ground together. The points below are the main areas that we have not reached agreement. 1. Cobham Parish Council have concerns with Brewers Road bridge being closed for 18 months during the construction phase. This is a school bus route and sensible alternatives need to be provided. 2. The Project proposes the addition of a car park to help with Shorne Country Park traffic issues, and visitors parking in the local roads. How will this new car park be managed and will there be parking fees? 3. Cobham Parish Council believe that the statement that there is a ‘low risk of the Project leading to significant adverse air quality effects and exceeding EU limits’ is predicated on a substantially flawed traffic model. 4. Cobham Parish Council would like to see a comprehensive refresh of the traffic modelling using either current mobile phone data or local data gathering equipment. The Covid impact also needs factoring in, and therefore it may also be beneficial to report on mobile phone based traffic data for Feb 2020, pre Covid. And also another data collection early in 2022 to help with the 2029 future modelling 5. Traffic Modelling. The model is high level & has not taken into account local knowledge or nuances within the local road network which will have a significant impact on the model, such as road widths/capacity, pinch points, rat-run routes. 6. Traffic Modelling The model does not take into account the increase in traffic volumes that will occur as a result of large developments in Kent within the Local Plans of councils. 7. Cobham Parish Council are strongly opposed to the view that the Project would improve traffic conditions on the surrounding road network. We have no confidence in the traffic model south of the river which they believe appears to be in place to substantiate the beneficial effects on the Dartford Crossing without sufficient understanding of local road impacts and mitigation plans that will be necessary to counter adverse impacts. 8. Cobham Parish Council would like to see a joined up series of meetings between the Project and KCC. They would be to focus on traffic issues and further develop a Highway Improvement Plan (HIP)to help alleviate the current traffic issues, and to help protect any increases in commuter traffic through Cobham during the build and post 2029 and completion of Lower Thames Crossing. We need this support in place as soon as possible to mitigate any potential for further traffic when volumes are already at an excess level for the classification of road. 9. Cobham and Sole Street already have significant traffic problems during rush hour peaks. The Street through Cobham is now a 20mph zone, and only one vehicle wide in places. We are currently working with Kent County Council with regard to trialling different traffic calming and traffic reduction options. This is a very emotive subject for residents of the parish. Anything that potentially increases traffic volumes within the Cobham ward is therefore of huge concern. We urgently need actions to reduce the current traffic volumes. 10. Cobham Parish Council are concerned at increased traffic along Henhurst road. We are concerned that Henhurst Road is not fit for current or expected increased traffic (as is a very windy country lane). There is a sharp 90 degree bend on Henhurst road which is an accident blackspot (with a recent fatality). 11. Cobham Parish Council suggest traffic calming measures on Sole Street to prevent rat running. There is also concern that Sole Street floods regularly and is dangerous for motorists and pedestrians. 12. CPC are concerned that existing traffic issues on The Street in Cobham, often caused by problems on the A2 will get worse. We express concern about what will be done to protect this road from increased traffic and damage to the listed buildings close to the road. Sole St is forecast to have either a very low increase (up to 50 PCUs) or a reduction in flow. CPC do not agree this will be the outcome. 13. The model forecasts growth of traffic on C roads, through rural villages, including Green Lane/Sole St, Henhurst Rd, Cobhambury Rd, Warren Rd, Bush Rd. These roads & villages already carry traffic above the country average and will have a significant wellbeing impact on local residents. 14. Bottlenecks and pinch points. There are no plans to remove existing bottlenecks and pinch points such as the A229 and M25 J2. There are no plans to upgrade the A228 & A227 junctions with the M2/A2 to enable frictionless slips and mitigate rat running through local villages. Addressing these other issues would help to keep traffic on the main trunk roads. 15. The residents of Cobham, Sole St & the surrounding lanes within our parish are seriously concerned about the effect of closed roads and increased traffic on their daily lives and there appears to have been very little consideration for these people. 16. The removal of the services at the start of the journey north or the journey east may encourage drivers to seek a rest stop away from the strategic network putting more pressure on local roads and facilities This comment also applies to the Cobham service station which is due to close early in the construction programme. 17. Sole Street is in need of a footway between Scratton Fields and Round Street, and Cobham Parish Council would like to see this provided as part of the Lower Thames Crossing legacy and impact mitigation. There will be an increase in local traffic and this is needed for the safety of pedestrians using Sole Street. This would also improve safety for school children catching buses to school from Sole Street bus stops. 18. Scotland Lane needs to be downgraded from a byeway to a bridleway for the safety of other uses of this rural path. CPC would also wish for it to remain as a bridleway once the construction phase has completed. Cobham Parish Council - Feb 2023