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Representation by David Creamer - Foxhounds Riding School & Tack Shop (David Creamer - Foxhounds Riding School & Tack Shop )

Date submitted
23 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Further to their responses to National Highways previous Public Consultations, our client David Creamer maintains their holding objection to the LTC proposals, as shown in the designs that were submitted as part of Highways DCO application. We consider their following interests will be directly affected by the scheme: - The business trading as Foxhounds Riding School & Tack Shop occupies the land as referenced on Land Registry as EX817552 - The business trading as Foxhounds Riding School & Tack Shop also occupies the land as referenced on Land Registry as EX783068 - Mr D Creamer owns and lives in the following property [Redacted] as referenced on the Land Registry as EX738474 Comments/objections at present: Following the numerous meetings held and correspondence had with our client, their family, the BHS, S&P and National Highways representatives our client is frustrated with the lack of progress made with their points of concern regarding Highways proposals. These concerns can be briefly summarised as follows; 1. Revised replacement bridleway plans (both temporary and permanent) are required from National Highways to enable Foxhounds Riding School & Tack Shop and its customers to continue to have appropriate use of the bridleway on their tenanted land prior, during and post construction. This point has been raised on numerous occasions, but despite this plans remain unacceptable to our client and risk a significant material impact on the day-to-day running of the business and the enjoyment of its customers. 2. Our client needs concrete confirmation/an assurance that the sole access off of Baker Street onto the council land tenanted by them/Foxhounds Riding School & Tack Shop will be available to the client pre, during and post construction at all times and said access will be kept secure at all times so as to prevent trespass and access from others. 3. Our client, supported by their family, the British Horse Society (BHS) and S&P have made concerted efforts to try and reach sensible arrangements with National Highways to ensure that Foxhounds Riding School & Tack Shop is able to operate prior, during and post construction of the Scheme. However, progress has been very slow due to Highways inactivity. Despite efforts to meet Highways instructed “horse” expert on-site in an effort to try and agree accommodation works for the business this is still yet to take place and the clients concern is growing that appropriate measures will not be agreed and instigated in time to mitigate the impacts of the scheme on the business. There is genuine concern from them and the BHS that the proposals, particularly during the construction period, will prevent the business from operating as it does presently and could potentially cause it to close as a result. Summary: As set out, at this current time we and our client remain concerned and unclear about some aspects of the proposals and would appreciate further detail and efforts to support them and their business. We therefore object to the areas as set out at this current time. [Redacted] Strutt and Parker For and on behalf of David Creamer