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Representation by HS1 Limited (HS1 Limited)

Date submitted
23 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

We have submitted a full document via email setting out HS1 Limited's relevant representation in respect of the Development Consent Order (“DCO”) application for the proposed A122 Lower Thames Crossing (“Project”) made by National Highways. Please also find a summary of HS1’s relevant representation below. HS1 is a statutory undertaker and responsible for the safe running and operation of the High Speed 1 railway and its associated infrastructure. Further, HS1 has a general duty under the concession agreement entered into with the SOST for the operation and maintenance of the railway. HS1 will interface with the Project along the A2 at the southern edge of the Project’s proposed route. The proposed works will impact HS1’s infrastructure between the Singlewell Infrastructure Maintenance Depot at Henhurst Lane and land east of Brewers Road. This will mean that new road structures will be located in close proximity to, and in some occasions on, HS1 land, and a number of new structures are proposed which may have an interface with HS1 assets. As a critical piece of national infrastructure, and under its concession agreement obligations, HS1 must seek to protect its infrastructure, land and rights from the potential risks that the Project poses. HS1 requires protective provisions to be included within the DCO to ensure its interests are adequately protected and to ensure compliance with relevant safety standards. The following issues are those which HS1 are particularly concerned about in relation to the Project: • access to HS1 depots; • access and egress measures adjacent to or near HS1’s railway or equipment; • protection of and access to critical electrical infrastructure; • ownership and maintenance of under track crossings; • construction activity safety, including control of wind-blow debris; • permanent errant vehicle protection; • permanent fencing and security measures; • surcharging; • signage; • planting and landscaping close to the railway; and • drainage. In addition to protective provisions, in appropriate cases HS1 should be consulted where requirements are relevant to its interests. HS1 have been in discussions with National Highways and both parties will keep the Examining Authority updated in relation to these discussions. HS1 objects to National Highways exercising powers of survey, compulsory acquisition or temporary possession in relation to HS1 land under the DCO without HS1’s consent. The protective provisions must prevent the exercise of compulsory powers by National Highways unless HS1 agrees to this. HS1 reserves the right to make further representations as part of the examination process but in the meantime will continue to work with National Highways with a view to reaching a satisfactory agreement on all remaining issues. The parties will update the Examining Authority on the progress of these discussions in due course.
