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Representation by The owner/Occupiers of Foxburrows (The owner/Occupiers of Foxburrows)

Date submitted
23 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Holmes and Hills LLP is instructed by [Redacted] who are the owner-occupiers of Foxburrows [Redacted]. Part of their property falls within the Lower Thames Crossing DCO Order limits. Our client has serious concerns about the proposals and in particular:- • Access to the gas plant/pipe relocation proposed for the fields off Beredens Lane via Beredens Lane itself is untenable; Beredens Lane is a quiet lane serving a handful of rural dwellings; it is in regular use by pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders; there is a current low volume of traffic and the lane is not suitable to accommodate either the large construction vehicles such as earth movers which will be necessary for the Scheme works, nor the high volume of traffic which the construction workers will generate. Access for the gas plant/pipeline relocation would be better achieved via J29 (Codham Hall); • The impact of the proposals on the (revised ) road network serving local properties in this area needs to be better understood before the DCO can be approved; notably impacts of the (i) proposed substantial new link road which will run on the north side of the M25 for the construction period and then remain permanently to become one of the two access points to the proposed Brentwood Enterprise Park at the south eastern corner of junction 29; and (ii) the new road serving Brentwood Enterprise Park off Warley Street close to Church Lane need further consideration; it would be premature to authorise this DCO ahead of other pending consents in the area which will have an impact on the local road network so the cumulative impacts of all the planned development can be properly understood. • The impact of the scheme, both during construction and operation, will have a detrimental impact on our client’s property in terms of noise, vibration, light dust, etc. A site specific environmental impact assessment needs to be undertaken and a package of protective measures introduced to mitigate the impact of the scheme on our clients’ home. • The traffic generated as a result of not only the LTC DCO proposal but also the Brentwood Enterprise Park proposal which is pending will increase traffic impacts around Great Warley and especially on the B186 (Warley Street) with resultant noise, vibration and traffic affecting the community during both construction period and use of the scheme. Protective measures need to be introduced to minimise impacts on residents and the community needs some reassurance that any measures will be robustly enforced. Our client therefore objects to the draft DCO and in particular to the exercise of powers of compulsory acquisition in relation to their property; our client reserves the right to participate in and make further representations in relation to all associated Lower Thames Crossing DCO hearings (including the compulsory purchase hearings). Our client would welcome the opportunity to discuss the above issues further with a representative from National Highways at an early opportunity.