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Representation by Punam Chada

Date submitted
23 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses
  1. Why is the proposal going ahead if it is not going to reduce the required level of traffic away from the Dartford crossing. You have quoted only 4% when much more is needed. 2. You are proposing smart motorways which have already proven to be unsafe and cause a danger to people's lives. This is such a bad idea. 3. The pollution from this new crossing will impact hugely on all residents both from the particles in the air and the additional noise. As the government is bringing in major reforms to decrease pollution why do you think it is acceptable to increae it and put the lives of local people at risk. 4. You have installed noise monitors in our local area without consulting the residents. The upheaval a project of this magnitude will have on our day to day lives is immense. We do not want noise, toxic pollution or disturbance in our area. Can you confirm what are the planned hours of work to build this. Will the building take place during the night? 5. You have not considered the impact of this on our green spaces or wildlife. We need to conserve our countryside not destroy it for a development that will not have the desired impact. 6. We already have bottle necks and traffic jams caused by the Dartford tunnel. Now when incidents happen, we will have even more congestion from both sites. Not enough routes have been planned for exits. 7. The cost of £10bn is astronomical. How can you justify this for the little benefit it us going to bring. In the current climate tax payers should be heavily involved in the decision if this project goes ahead. 8. At the initial proposal stage for this crossing - you had already started work on this project before the residents had a chance to voice their opinions. It was clear that no matter what we said, you were going ahead with your plans 9. Who in the organisation benefits from this crossing ? 10. In the current climate of austerity this money should be put to a much better use that will actually impact people's lives. All this crossing is going to do is cause more congestion in another place and if you live in the triangle between both crossing - you will be impacted on all sides. 11. How do you see this crossing benefitting our community. 12. What % of people actually voted to build this crossing? Regards Punam Chada .