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Representation by Cycling UK (Cycling UK)

Date submitted
24 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Cycling UK is the national cycling charity, with over 70,000 members across the UK, including members and members groups living or based near to location of the proposed Lower Thames Crossing (LTC). Cycling UK promotes all forms of cycling, protect the interests of existing and would-be cyclists, and inspires people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to discover the joys of cycling. Cycling UK’s vision is of a healthier, happier and cleaner world, because more people cycle. We want people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to be able to cycle safely, easily and enjoyably. On the merits of the overall LTC scheme, Cycling UK has concerns regarding the congestion impact throughout Kent and Essex on both major and minor roads. Building parallel roads next to already congested roads may provide a temporary congestion relief on and around the existing road, however this lasts for a very short period in practice and often both traffic and congestion are worse after a few years than before the new infrastructure was built. Furthermore, the government has of course published a Transport Decarbonisation Plan, and it is difficult to reconcile investing £8.2 billion, and potentially much more, in one road scheme, with the aim to decarbonise transport or indeed to promote more sustainable forms of transport. Regarding the provision for active travel within the scheme, Cycling UK submits that if the LTC proceeds, the routes and facilities included within the LTC scheme must provide for people who wish to cycle for short everyday journeys, or for longer trips or as part of longer journey, and must meet the following design criteria:- • Coherence • Directness • Comfort • Attractiveness • Safety Cycling UK is concerned that Highways England has not met the required design obligations and standards inter alia regading: • Providing facilities for people who cycle to use the new tunnels to cross the Thames, e.g. via a shuttle vehicle service • Failing to provide for people who wish to cycle where new cycle route networks cross HS1 on overbridges adjacent to the Marling Cross Hares Bridge, Henhurst Road and Brewers Road • Proposing to dedicate many new and improved cycle routes as bridleways or permissive paths, whilst providing negligible information on proposed widths, surface materials, drainage, lighting and ongoing maintenance of such routes within the DCO application.