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Representation by Lucy Grant

Date submitted
24 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

As a local resident and an employee based as Tilbury Docks this road will have a major effect on my lifestyle personally and professionally. My journey times to work will be increased as bd become more complex during the building of the LTC. I am concerned about the long term effects to my (and my families) health both physically with increased pollution from the extra vehicles travelling the ‘Stanford detour’ and the mental effects of having to deal with more traffic upon leaving my home and around my work environment. As a keen supporter of wildlife protection I am unhappy about the destruction of established areas of nature and the animals and plants lost to a road that will only bring more danger to the wildlife plus the loss of the ‘park’ promised to the local community that is now part of the Tilbury Freeport so will become more industrial areas and even less wildlife refuges or green spaces for the public. Don’t even start with planting trees in Brentwood because expecting locals of thurrock to drive (if they can!) to Brentwood just to access some green space is an absolute insult! From all the information provided to the public I am yet to see anything that makes sense to the wider community as in less traffic or faster travel across the Thames or any benefits at all to the local community that have to suffer the inconvenience, stress, pollution and noise for years to come in order that a few less lorries cross at the Dartford Crossing. None of this proposal makes sense to the average person (those affected most) and therefore it must stop and be redesigned in a more sensible location where true benefits to local and wider economy will be seen.