Back to list Lower Thames Crossing

Representation by Chris Todd

Date submitted
24 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I wish to strongly object to the Lower Thames Crossing which fails to deliver on its objectives, leaving Dartford still over capacity while causing huge damage to people and the environment. It will result in millions of tonnes of extra CO2 emissions, increase air and noise pollution, increase severance, undermine public transport and active travel through more traffic on the wider road network, harms the setting of the Kent Downs AONB and damages ancient woodland and other habitats and species. There has been a complete failure to look at alternative solutions and to think about increasing public transport connections across the Thames as part of the project. The project is also being built as a Smart motorway in all but name with the serious safety implications that has. It's value for money is highly questionable and with ever rising costs it makes little sense economically. The project has also exported elements of the scheme into other projects or onto local authorities which hides the true cost of this scheme.