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Representation by Emma Lawrence

Date submitted
24 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I have objected to an older version of the scheme and wish to do so again. There is no justification for an expenditure of this magnitude on a scheme that does not meet its stated objectives. In summary, I object on the basis that: - the increase in traffic growth leading to more carbon emissions. Combined with the construction emissions (see below) the total carbon emissions from the scheme would be at least 6.6 million tonnes over its lifetime making this the biggest emitting scheme ever proposed (7.3.37 of the Combined Modelling and Appraisal Report); - the increase emissions from its construction by around an additional 2 million tonnes (at least, as National Highways are obscuring the real total with offsetting schemes), all within the critical fourth carbon budget when we need to achieve 68% reductions in UK carbon emissions by 2030 under our legally binding commitments under the Paris Agreement; - The Dartford Crossing would still be over capacity if the LTC were built. So the LTC fails to meet its own objectives, costing taxpayers at least £10 billion for the privilege. - the increase in air and noise pollution, as a consequence if the traffic increases, will have direct and indirect impacts on humans, the AONB, SACs, SSSI and endangered species; - the scheme has a benefit-cost-ratio (BCR) of only 1.22 (meaning for every £1 spent, there will only be £1.22 of economic benefits), which makes it "Low" value for money according to government guidelines. I trust you will take my objection into account when considering your decision.