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Representation by Anthony Mack

Date submitted
24 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I campaigned successfully for National Cycle Route 177 and created the "Cyclopark" activity centre in Gravesham which in its missive statement encourages access to its facilities by sustainable transport of which NCR177 is a key factor. In Kent National Highways propose to redirect NCR177 south of the A2 as part of the LTC planning application.. They drew lines on a map, did not survey the route, did not consult with local or National Cycling organisations before or after publishing their plans, did not apply the "propesity to cycle" route tool to rerouting NCR177 south of the A2, would not discuss any alternatives to their Cycling / Walking proposed routes, refused to revise the A2 intersection layout design or incorporate practical suggestions to retaining NCR 177 north of the A2, advised they would set up a working group but didn't, have not taken into account NCR177 is an intrical part of the Millenium Cycle route from London to Dover or how the diversion will adversely impact on Cycling and the Cycle commuting in the area or willing to impliment Active Travel England aspirations. Their route is impractical, unacceptable, unsuitable and turns a direct separated super cycle highway into an obstacle course. They also stubbornly refuse to accept cycling as a form of transport. The Gravesham Council, the Woodland Trust, Cycling UK and the Lower Thames Action group have also reservations concerning the Cycling Walking proposals of the LTC . I have attended all the consultations and written emails but no meaningful dialogue has been offered to find an alternative solution to the proposed National Highways NCR 177 diversion to south of the A2 and the LTC have refused to consider any practical route other than the one they propose. Their lack of consultation and due process is disgraceful. There has also been no meaningful discussion regarding facilitating N M U traffic through the Lower Thames crossing and advised they are not bound to consider the huge impact closure of the Dartford Crossing would have on the road networks and villages when flooded with traffic seeking to travel North or south through the Lower Thames Crossing National Highways have responded to Adam Holloway MP for Gravesham following my representation and state :- "We have worked with local authorities and UK-based walking and cycling charities, to develop the programme of improvements for walkers, cyclists and horse riders that would connect local communities with green spaces and promote active travel choices." This blatantly incorrect..