Back to list Lower Thames Crossing

Representation by Jill Barnett

Date submitted
24 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The proposed Thames River Crossing scheme is not fit for purpose. If it is ever built, it will not solve traffic problems in the South East, and will potentially create more. The cost of this project has spiralled out of control to a ridiculous figure. Simply speaking, this country cannot afford it. If we had excess funds, we could better spend them on the NHS, road maintenance (fix the pot hole disaster), education and public services. But, sadly, it seems we do not, and so how can we be considering spending such a massive amount of taxpayers money on this? Furthermore, the proposed crossing would impact on several towns and villages, both in Kent and Essex. Fields would be lost forever, and nature would suffer severe loss. Increased traffic and its subsequent fumes would directly affect the health of nearby residents, particularly the old and children, and those already suffering from breathing/chest conditions. Please, I beg you to not proceed with this project, in the name of our children and our grandchildren.