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Representation by Elke Browning

Date submitted
23 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am against the building if the LTC. Carving up huge swathes of green belt so more and more vehicles can travel around London causing massive pollution not needed. The only problem at the existing tunnel is the constant closures to allow tankers through causing massive tailbacks on the south side. The traffic flows well going over the QE2 bridge unless there’s an accident - often caused by bad signage. Accidents anywhere on the M25 cause huge tailbacks. Thurrock in particular has too many big roads already and does not need another 6 lanes. The pollution there and the rat runs all around the borough when accidents happen on the existing big roads are killing our children and families. I live very close and the noise level has been deafening for years and I can only imagine how much worse it’s going to get. Just not needed