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Representation by R Lingham

Date submitted
20 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I visited the recent display at Cascades' Gravesend. Personnel were quite helpful, but I wish to comment on wider issues. Whilst the proposal has been modified in respect of the area immediately around the entrance, the potential exists - in the event of diversions on main access roads - for other areas to be significantly affected. Wrotham Road, being a principal link between the M(& A)2/M(& A)20, would become heavily trafficked: although designated A class, there is a significant presence of schools, local shops, community facilities and residential areas on this road, which is - in parts - narrow and winding, and thus unsuited to further increase in heavy traffic, as experienced from the present level built up over the last 20 years or so. I accept that (partial) by-pass is not likely to be viable, but some restrictions/equivalent measures in the event of diversions would be essential quality for of air/life.