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Representation by Stephen Ayley

Date submitted
19 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

i lived at (REDACTED) which is some 100mtrs from the path of the proposed crossing , i actually sold my house and moved 5 years a go after it was announced , Gravesend East was the going to be the preferred route , i was honestly distraught at the thought of ten years of upheaval . i have walked these fields you will destroy for many decades and to be honest i will never understand why you would build this tunnel on the widest part of the river at such expense (whilst the country is on its knees). The Golf course southern Valley has now been shut for several months , the motorbikes and anti social behaviour is in abundance on the once lovely golf course , the fence is down they drive over it at night shooting at the foxes , why could you not start the Tunnel from the A2 . If you have ever walked the Golf Course and fields to Shorne country Park you would realise the Beauty that will be destroyed and the impact on our wild life. Gravesend east will soon be in a triangle of pollution what ever way the wind blows ,from the south the A2 to London , the M25 and the proposed link .. Our country side and wild life can not sustain this Link road , we are but a small island and it seems you are just moving traffic jams from one place to another .. I have only had one meeting with Kent Highways in which i was told Dartford was not a option due to pollution , i then asked " how long will it take to build " ten years at least i was told , but will we not be all electric then ?? so lets go back to Dartford and all the Millions you will save the tax payers by not going under the river at its widest part , compulsory purchase all the houses around the Dartford crossing and plant trees around it . i know none of this will mean a lot to you , but there are people who love our area where you wish to build on and will never understand why in the grand scheme of things you cant tunnel straight from the A2 by Clayland woods ...