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Representation by Thomas J Foster

Date submitted
3 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

Dear Sir/Madam, In the first instant I wrote to the They have replied and given me yhis information and told me that I should be contacting you with my questions. This is the contents of the email below that I sent to them and i'm now sending it to you as they advised me to. ************************************************************** Why is this taking such a long time, you state, “Should consent be granted, construction could start as early as 2024. The planning process is likely to take around 18 months including 6 months of examination” that is not early that would be at least mid 2024. This would mean at the earliest IF the planning should be granted then by the time you get everything sorted and in progress that would take another 6 months then construction wouldn’t start until at the earliest the beginning of 2025. Then We will be looking at around about 6 year’s minimum of construction then at the earliest the opening of the New Crossing wouldn’t be until 2031. Surely this is unacceptable, we have to look forward to another 8 or 9 years of traffic chaos in the Dartford area. It doesn’t just hit Dartford though, the A25, the A2. The A20, Blackwall Tunnel and the Woolwich Ferry ( when It’s running) are all effected. WHY is it taking so long to decide where the new crossing is going to be situated. Kind regards Thomas Foster. (REDACTED)