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Representation by Monica Saunders

Date submitted
2 February 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

The application counters evidence of induced demand i.e. that the more road space provided the greater the volumes of traffic The scheme will increase Carbon Emissions, both in building and use at a time when the Climate emergency should be at the forefront and embedded in all policies and decisions, included in planning decisions. Moreover, the very likely increase in motor traffic (as evidenced by induced demand) will lead to greater pollution and poorer air quality. This is at a time when we are far off meeting the WHO's standard for air quality and pollutants, especially PM2.5, known to have no safe limits and is a safety risk for a number of health conditions including dementia/cognitive degeneration, some cancers and diabetes as well as respiratory conditions. The proposal does not meet the Govt's own strategy for net Zero, which should prioritise more sustainable modes of travel with investment which is greatly needed, including public transport as well as active travel.