Back to list Lower Thames Crossing

Representation by Diana Zachau

Date submitted
9 January 2023
Submitted by
Members of the public/businesses

I am strongly opposing the planning and building of the Lower Thames crossing for the following reasons: Environmental impact: The construction of the tunnel and approach roads would have an impact on the local environment, including air and noise pollution, habitat destruction, and the potential for water pollution. The project would also involve the loss of recreational ground, farm land, and ancient woodlands which is crucial for air quality in this region. Additionally, the increased local traffic and pollution resulting from the crossing could have negative health implications, including increased risk of lung diseases and other respiratory problems due to low air quality. Cost: The project is expected to cost billions of pounds, which some people argue could be better spent on other priorities, such as public transportation or infrastructure projects in other parts of the country as well as much needed improvement for existing roads which are badly maintained and neglected. Tolls are expected which are a a double toll crossing in this region, completely ignoring that the existing crossing already charges despite any promises some 20 years ago. Effectiveness: Some critics argue that the Lower Thames Crossing would do little to alleviate congestion on the existing Dartford Crossing, and that more comprehensive solutions, such as upgrading public transportation including movement of good onto the rail system and away from roads or implementing would be more effective. Alternatives: There have been suggestions that alternative solutions, such as a new bridge or ferry service, should be considered instead of a tunnel. Public opposition: There has been significant opposition to the project from local residents, environmental groups, and other stakeholders, who argue that the negative impacts of the crossing would outweigh any potential benefits. Governmental goals: The government has stated its intention to reduce traffic on roads in order to meet emissions targets and improve air quality and strive towards zero carbon, the Lower Thames crossing. Building a new road tunnel could potentially contradict these goals.